Fall Academic Eligibility Checkup

In the Summer Basketball Season is Over, Now What post, I wrote about preparing yourself for Academic Eligibility to play college basketball. We are a couple of months into the school year. A couple of report card periods and ACT test dates have passed. This makes the perfect time to do an academic checkup to make sure you are on the right path for academic eligibility. This is also a great opportunity for me to share additional beneficial information to you.

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P-15 Workout: October 26, 2014

The P-15 Workout is an opportunity to get an extra 15 minutes of individual practice in before or after team practice. You decide if you want to do the workout everyday this week or come up with your own schedule.

This Week’s P-15 Workout: Shoot Free Throws. After a missed free throw, run a down and back sprint.

Tip: Take advantage of the 10 second count you have to shoot free throws. You should have a routine established, where as, you do the exact same thing every single time you shoot a free throw. Setting your feet. Bending your knees. Number of dribbles you take. Looking at your target before taking the shot. Lastly, following through.

Social Media Hashtag: #P15

I would love for you to leave me your comments about this workout below.