Congratulations Suzanne and Gabby!!

Congratulations to 2 young ladies I trained before they entered middle school and over the weekend they graduated from Memphis Catholic High School. Suzanne Dease will be attending Belhaven University on a soccer scholarship and Gabby Moore, who is the Class of 2016 Salutatorian, will be attending Spring Hill College on a basketball scholarship..So proud of you 2!!


Becoming a Household Name in Recruiting

If you haven’t heard of Madi Hawk, it’s OK, because college coaches and scouts know about her. She’s from Tellico Plains, TN. Did I mention that she is only in the 4th grade. AND she’s only been playing basketball for 2 years..Yep, when she was in second grade… When she decided she wanted to play basketball, she will tell you–“She was awful!” (Those were her exact words to me.) She couldn’t even dribble. But guess what position she decided she wanted to play– Point Guard… So learning how to dribble she did…Madi stays in the gym. A certified gym rat! How do I know this? Because months ago, a little girl started tagging me in Facebook posts with videos of herself in the gym dribbling, shooting, going through drills, and talking about her experience learning and playing basketball.. Yes. Madi Hawk’s social media internet marketing game is STRONG.. Her desire to work on her game and get better is unbelievable.. And she is just as consistent and relentless about posting about her progress (with her parents’ supervision of course). Think about this. Just two years ago, Madi was a beginner in basketball and through hard work she is progressing at a steady rate. As I watched her play on Sunday at the Insider Exposure All American Camp, I noticed her doing things that some older girls are not doing.. Another thing that Madi is doing that a lot of older girls isn’t doing. She is making herself a household name by promoting herself through social media. That’s why colleges coaches and scouts already know about her. Keep up the great work, Madi!!