Established in November 2008 to memorialize Patosha Jeffery’s grandmother, Mattie Mae Woods. Patosha’s grandmother passed away from lung cancer on February 6, 2008.
This charity event is free, however, two 6 packs of Ensure Shake is the price to participate. The Ensure will be donated to the Memphis Chapter American Cancer Society. To date 3,320 individual bottles have been donated. In 2016, two hundred and sixty-eight bottles.
2017 Granny’s Girls Basketball Camp Basic Information:
Only 50 Spots Available!
Click Here to Register – Opening September 1
** Camp Policy: I understand that in case of medical emergency, every effort will be made to contact parents or guardians. I hereby give permission to the Granny’s Girls Basketball Camp staff to secure medical treatment for my child. I release the camp, its directors and its staff from any and all liability and specifically agree not to make any claim against them. I further understand Patosha Jeffery retains the right to use for publicity, advertising purposes and future products any photographs and video. I also understand that neither my daughter nor I will be compensated if photographs or video is used for future products. I also assert that I am the responsible party for the above named minor.
Two 6-packs of Ensure Shake
Check-in begins at 11:00am.
Camp begins at 11:30am.
Ridgeway Baptist Church
2500 Ridgeway Rd.
Memphis, TN 38119
Patosha Jeffery @ or 901-634-4785