A) Once an email has been used for a player’s registraion, it can not be used for another player’s registration.
B) Your registration is not complete without payment. After completing this form, you will be redirected to the payment page.
C) Check your email inbox once completing your registration. You will receive an email from Patosha Jeffery with the subject of “Response Required: Please Confirm your request for information”. Please click the link in the email to guarantee delivery of League updates.
If you do not see a form below, click here to register
** Camp Policy: I understand that in case of medical emergency, every effort will be made to contact parents or guardians. I hereby give permission to the Preview Camp staff and athletic trainer to secure medical treatment for my child. I release the Preview Camp, its directors and its staff from any and all liability and specifically agree not to make any claim against them. I further understand Patosha Jeffery retains the right to use for publicity, advertising purposes and future products any photographs and video. I also understand that neither my daughter nor I will be compensated if photographs or video is used for future products. I also assert that I am the responsible party for the above named minor.