On Tuesdays my schedule run like this:
8:00amish-4:30ish: @ Work (Yep, I have a full time job)
6:00pm-7:00pm: @ Basketball Training Session
8:30pm-Until (This past Tuesday– Until was 1:00am): Working on Fall Exposure League
So on Tuesday night, I was thinking about the (uncomfortable) position I put myself in training on Tuesdays, while running a league on Saturdays. (And also working almost 40 hours a week in my full time job.)
Running a league does not stop on Saturday. There are numerous things that has to happen before getting to the games on Saturday like washing jerseys, updating webpages, uploading game footage, contacting staff, updating and printing documents, processing pictures, promoting the league, promoting the players……… All of that requires in excess of 20 hours a week
On Tuesday night, I was thinking about all that I’m doing and decided to write the followinig post and Go Live on Facebook. I shared with the viewers the sacrifices, the roadblocks and the amount of time that’s put into hosting a successful league. You can see part of the Live video below: