Facebook was on fire when the Commercial Appeal released their first Dandy Dozen. I must admit I was on fire also. I’m normally a person that keeps my cool.
The Dandy Dozen is our area high schools basketball ranking of the top 12 schools, according to our local newspaper. Rankings are a matter of opinion. Rankings are water cooler conversations. Rankings are pillow talk. Rankings are message board arguments. Rankings are 29 likes and 28 comments on my Facebook page.
I was a little upset because my alma mater, Hamilton High, was not listed in the ranking. They were and still are undefeated as I’m typing this. I was upset because I couldn’t remember the last time Hamilton had started the season undefeated and had been in the ranking. I wanted the team to be recognized for their accomplishment.
I watched them play in a play day during the preseason. They went 3-0. So I knew something good was going on. Plus, I keep up with the box scores daily. I knew they had not lost a game. So when the rankings came out and Hamilton was not listed. It bothered me. It really bothered me when I saw teams listed that had 1 lost. Then it really, really bothered me when I saw a team with 4 loses.
I decided to contact the writer for prep sports at the newspaper. I asked him about the rankings. He gave his justification. I mentioned to him that one of the teams he had listed as undefeated actually had a lost. Then he mentioned if coaches sent in their game box scores it would be easier to keep up with their records.
Encourage Your Coach to Submit Your Game Box Scores to the Commercial Appeal
I post the Box Scores every day to MemphisGirlsBasketball.com. It’s a way for me to see what’s going on. Who has scored over 30 points and needs to be listed in the 30/40 Club. How are the players doing that attended my Fall Exposure League and Pre-Season Show Off Camp. If I’m using this information as a resource, college coaches and recruiters are using this information as a resource also.
Encourage Your Coach to Submit Your Team Info to MaxPreps
I recently saw that two players from our area was in the top 40 in scoring for the State of Mississippi. That is a major accomplishment. That is some good information for me to know. If their coach or someone from their school had not added this information into the MaxPreps system, they would not have been listed. I would not have had two girls to send a shout out to on Twitter.
Encourage Your Coach to Keep Up with Your Stats
I sometimes have parents from outside the Memphis area to keep me updated on how their daughters are doing. I received a text from a dad all the way in Hawaii. His family is originally from Memphis, however, he is in the military and stationed in Hawaii. He texted me a link to his daughter’s highlights. I asked him for his daughter’s stats. He didn’t hesitate and sent me the stats. Some parents and players are not able to share this information with me. Some don’t even know what I’m talking about when I ask for them.
Encourage Your Coach to Film Your Games
The parent from Hawaii had texted me a link to his daughter’s highlights on Youtube. Isn’t technology great! I’m able to share highlights on my site of a young lady thousands of miles away in Hawaii with my visitors. Unfortunately, their are players and parents in Memphis right around the corner from me that can’t do it.
Parents Step Up
I was very fortunate that my parents were able to attend the majority of my basketball games. My dad started out taking pictures at my games. Then he used the school camera to film my games. Then he bought his own camera. I still have those games my dad filmed. I’m very grateful to be able to share those games now with others. If your coach does not have the resources, parents be a resource. Volunteer to keep stats. Volunteer to film the games. Volunteer to send the info to the Commercial Appeal or your local newspaper. Volunteer to submit the info into Maxpreps.