A lot of things have to come together in order for college basketball teams to be successful. The coaching staff and players work hard at season preparation, team building, game preparation and strategy, skill development, goal setting, program promotion, leadership development, problem solving, community service, individual and team motivation. If you think about it, majority of the things I mentioned are what’s necessary for small businesses and corporations to be successful also.
Below is an interesting article on how athletics help women in business.
In research released by the EY Women Athletes Business Network and espnW, the majority of women executives surveyed say that a sport background can help accelerate a woman’s leadership and career potential, and has a positive influence on hiring decisions.
The research report, Making the connection: women, sport and leadership, based on a global online survey of 400 women executives, was conducted by Longitude Research across Europe, the Americas and Asia-Pacific, with the top five responding countries being Brazil, Canada, China, the UK and the United States. Half (49%) of those surveyed were in the C-suite, meaning that they serve on the board of directors at a company or in another C-level position, such as CEO, CFO or COO. The remaining 51% surveyed were in other management positions.
Ninety-four percent of the respondents have participated in sport and close to three-quarters (74%) agree that a background in sport can help accelerate a woman’s leadership and career potential. Close to two-thirds (61%) say that past sporting involvement has contributed to their current career success and that a background in sport has a positive influence on their own hiring decisions, with more than two-thirds (67%) highlighting a background in sport as a positive influence on their decision to hire a candidate.
The C-suite women in particular are very strong champions of sport and the sporting ethic. The survey analysis divided the responses into two camps – the C-suite versus other levels – which revealed:
- The majority (52%) of C-suite women played sport at the university level, compared to 39% of women at other management levels.
- Just 3% of C-suite women have not played any sport, compared with 9% of women at other management levels.
- C-suite women are more likely than average to say that a candidate’s background in sport influences their hiring decision: 75% vs. 58% overall. They put a particular premium on the discipline it requires compared to other respondents.
- C-suite women note that their competitiveness has been a bigger factor in their careers than more junior women: 37% cite this as a key factor, compared with 26% of others.
- C-suite women are more likely to think that women who have played sport often make good employees: 77% agree, compared with 64%.
Beth Brooke-Marciniak, EY’s Global Vice Chair, Public Policy, and Executive Sponsor of the Women Athletes Business Network, says:
“We have long known that sport has a positive impact on society. These findings show that participation in sport not only influences leadership skills, style and career development, but it is also a powerful motivator for female executives.”
Laura Gentile, Vice President of espnW, says:
“This study validates long-held theories that women who are athletes are well-suited for the business world and have tangible advantages. From work ethic to adaptability to superior problem-solving ability, these women enter the workforce ready to win and demonstrate that ability as they rise throughout their career.”
The top three areas where sport has played a very significant role in developing or improving leadership skills are: seeing projects through to completion; motivational skills; and team building. With a competitive spirit seen as essential for success on the playing field, about three-fourths (74%) highlight that being described as “competitive” is considered an asset to their leadership style. Candidates with a background of sporting achievement are seen as demonstrating the strong work ethic required to succeed in business (48%), with 70% agreeing with the statement: “Women who have played sport often make good employees.”
Other research highlights include:
Athletes are seen as strong role models for female executives, far exceeding government leaders and celebrities and just a notch below business leaders.
- When asked to identify which three individuals inspired them to achieve their leadership potential, 82% cited business leaders, 71% cited athletes, 69% cited family members, and celebrities and government leaders only secured 28% and 26% of the vote, respectively.
- Athletes are seen as inspiring because of their hard work and determination and 68% of respondents agreed that they are “motivated by the stories of athletes.”
Sport is a major factor in the lives of senior female executives:
- Fifty-three percent still played sport as they moved into their working lives.
- Most executives enjoy sport for helping them unwind, although 37% also feel it helps them concentrate and focus on their work. Swimming and running are the most popular activities.
Female executives have a distinct view on the recipe for leadership success:
- When asked to rate different aspects of their leadership skills, the top three most effective aspects were: problem solving; communication skills; and adaptability.
- The most important contributors to their current career success are persistence, ambition and drive, and confidence.
Donna de Varona, Olympic Champion and Lead Advisor to EY’s Women Athletes Business Network, says:
“This study confirms the significant role participating in sports plays in providing the tools necessary to succeed in the competitive world in which we live. Yet again, these results underscore how critical it is for girls to have equal access to sport around the world. When they do, the positive results are undeniable.”