December Check Up

Since April 1st, I have read my goals every morning when I wake up. Then one of the last things I do before going to bed is read my goals again. This is a change from what I did while I was coaching college basketball. 

My 1st year as a college coach, my only goal was to get an idea of what college coaching was about. At the end of the season, I reflected on what I did well, what I struggled with, and what I wanted to do better at. Then I wrote down new goals.

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Micro Videos

Over the Thanksgiving holiday week, I was able to attend several high school basketball games. As I looked in the stands, I was shocked to see that some high school programs were not recording their games. 

On the flip side, I was happy to see the amount of parents with their IPhones and IPads out filming. 

Take advantage of your parents filming your games. Review your games for areas to improve. Also, use your game footage to create micro videos.

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High School Basketball Season Evaluation

Division 1 women’s basketball college coaches are only allowed 65 days to recruit in a year. This is down from 112 days. This does not include the evaluation months of April, May, June and July. It basically relates to the regular basketball season.

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