Unsigned Senior Options

This time of the year can be exciting for seniors as they approach their last season of high school basketball. It can also create stress, anxiety and uncertainty for some. 

There are seniors that had offers early in their high school career that no longer have those offers. There are also seniors with no offers or interest at all. 

As we approach the beginning of basketball season, here are some suggestions I have for those still looking for opportunities to play basketball after high school. 

Get to Work

If you’ve been working all summer to improve and add skills to your game, that’s great! With the work you put in over the summer, you put yourself in position to start the season off on a good note. Don’t let up. 

If you didn’t put in work over the summer, it’s time to start right now. By starting now and continuing during the season, you are putting yourself in position to elevate your game in late December/early January. This gives you great momentum at the peak time of the season and into tournament play. 

Stay Connected

Continue to reach out to college coaches that showed interest and even offered you a scholarship. Unexpected things happen all the time. A situation could happen where a scholarship opens up. Coaches change schools all the time. There may be an available scholarship at their new school. Coaches also talk to other coaches. They may know a coach that has openings on their roster. 

Send coaches your high school practice and game schedule, updated highlights, and stats from your games. Let them know that you are still available and looking for an opportunity.

Promote, Promote, Promote

You have to be a relentless promoter.  Use your Social Media to pin your high school schedule. Post your stats from your games. Consistently add short highlights from your games. 

Ask your high school coach, travel team coach and trainer to reach out to college coaches on your behalf. Send them the highlights you created to share with the college coaches.

2 Year Schools 

Junior colleges (JUCO) and community college coaches recruit seniors. Use October to research JUCOs and community colleges in your region. Get the head coach and assistant coach name and email address. Email them. 

Include as much of this information as possible in the email:

High School (City)
Last Season Stats
Contact Info (Cell/Social Media)
Highlights or Game Footage
Jersey #
Travel Coach Contact Info
High School Coach Contact Info
High School Practice Schedule
High School Game Schedule

Be consistent with the extra work you do, with staying connected, with promoting yourself, with asking your coaches to promote you and with reaching out to 2 year college coaches. 

Whenever you’re ready, here’s how I can help:

I welcome you to always reply to my weekly emails with questions, comments or suggestions. 

Thanks for reading! Tell your friends to subscribe to Rise and Grind also!

Talk to you next week!

-Coach Po

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